Overcoming Boulders

03/30/2016 9:06 AM | Anonymous

Our new Champaign County Outfitter Todd Williams has been shaking up Sportsmen’s Nights One of the newest adventures the CTO Sportsmen had was going to Urbana Boulder.  “We had a great time at Urbana Boulders! The kids got to run around and try their strength of climbing from different angles and altitudes. We had new kids show up that night and they had a blast,” Todd shared. 

It was amazing to watch others as they soared to new levels each time they took the chance to reach farther and farther. It is like wanting to get to the top of the mountain but realizing there are many different paths. Only one path can get you to the top, but right one can be difficult. If we keep our eyes on the prize we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. 

In life we sometimes do not want help, but those that watched others, learned from their mistakes and then went farther by choosing wisely. Choose this day whom you will serve!

Safari Level Sponsors

Cross Trail Outfitters of Illinois is a 501(c)3 non profit organization

118 Main St.
Suite 1A
Homer, IL 61849
(217) 480-2327


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